Tactical Research Fund: A review of the ecological impacts of selected antibiotics and antifoulants currently used in the Tasmanian salmonid farming industry and development of a research programme to evaluate the environmental impact of selected treatments.
Antibiotics and antifoulants are used in aquaculture operations to ensure the health and well-being of farmed stock. Antibiotics are used as a direct response to infectious diseases, whilst antifoulants are needed to counteract bio-fouling, a condition which is a significant problem to the local aquaculture industry and reduces water flow and oxygen supply in the cages, increasing stress levels and hence diseasesusceptibility in the fish.
Health and Welfare
antibiotics | disease | environmental impact | social licence
Tactical Research Fund: A review of the ecological impacts of selected antibiotics and antifoulants currently used in the Tasmanian salmonid farming industry and development of a research programme to evaluate the environmental impact of selected treatments.
Antibiotics and antifoulants are used in aquaculture operations to ensure the health and well-being of farmed stock. Antibiotics are used as a direct response to infectious diseases, whilst antifoulants are needed to counteract bio-fouling, a condition which is a significant problem to the local aquaculture industry and reduces water flow and oxygen supply in the cages, increasing stress levels and hence diseasesusceptibility in the fish.
Health and Welfare
antibiotics | disease | environmental impact | social licence